Saturday, November 20, 2010

Potato Gratin and Caramel-Topped Semolina Cake

This week for French Fridays with Dorie I made Potato Gratin (Pommes Dauphinois) and Caramel-Topped Semolina Cake. 

Alas the Potato Gratin did not turn out well.  The Gruyere cheese tasted so delicious, but the texture of the potatoes was not right.  The potatoes were newly dug from the garden, and may have suffered from being frozen. 
The Caramel-Topped Semolina Cake, on the other hand, is wonderful.  I have never made caramel before, and benefitted from reading the comments of other FFWD participants.  It turned so quickly from clear, to a pale golden, to a deep amber, at which point I pulled it quickly off the stove.

This is similar to a Lebanese square made with Cream of Wheat.  My cookbook calls it Nammura (Hrisi).  The syrup is a clear mixture of sugar, water, and lemon juice, and the squares have tahini, Cream of Wheat, butter, yogurt, baking powder, and almonds.  Has anyone else ever made these?  They are yummy.


  1. I did see one other post...may have been Lebanese...but it was from that part of our world. Your cake is beautiful and I appreciate reading about it in your post as I will make this recipe next week.

  2. That's too bad that your potatoes didn't turn out. You should give it another go sometime, because they're pretty fabulous. Your cake looks great and the variation you mention sounds really interesting.
