Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Peanut Butter Change-Ups

This week I tried out a second recipe from Dorie Greenspan's new book Dorie's Cookies.  Peanut Butter Change-Ups are a peanut butter cookie baked as a mound rather than squished down with a fork as is usual.

The dough is very easy to mix up.  The addition of nutmeg is unusual, but I couldn't taste it in the baked cookies.

I set the oven temperature slightly lower than what the recipe states, and watched the cookies closely.  Despite this caution the bottoms were too brown when I took the cookies out of the oven.  Peanut butter cookies have a lot of fat and I often have this over browning problem, even with using light coloured pans lined with parchment paper and baking in the top part of the oven.

I used my grater to take off the brown bottoms.  The cookies looked and tasted fine and no one was the wiser.


  1. Aren't you clever with your little fix-it on the bottoms of the cookies. They look very nice all snuggled in their little bed, I would never have suspected otherwise!

  2. I couldn't taste the nutmeg either.

  3. Ooh! I'll take a couple of those!

  4. I am sure they tasted delicious. The nutmeg was undetectable to me.
